Presentation of 4SM for the busy executive
Shallow water depth and bottom type from satellite image
Further to Lyzenga's and Stumpf's methods, most existing empirical methods still need the following and only deliver shallow water depths
atmospheric correction
conversion into units of reflectance
an existing depth sounding dataset that covers faithfully the whole ranges of bottom brightnesses and shallow depths
segmentation of shallow areas into several bottom brightness classes, irrespective of depth
specify a, b and c for each class: Z= aX + bY + C through multiple linear regressions
With 4SM, in order to get the same result,
no need for atmospheric correction
no need for calibration into units of reflectance
no need for any field data for calibration of the optical model
With 4SM, a water column corrected image is produced AS WELL AS the computed depth in meters
fully supervised, "on the fly",
starts by reading raw data,
ends up writing computed depth and water column corrected spectral bottom signatures ready for bottom typing,
line after line, for a "same day" low cost comprehensive service
All that bounty
One single executable code, ~50000 lines compiled in C, in an opensource LINUX environment
well ahead of any field work
With 4SM, seatruth data is only needed to
DTM : specify Htide and CoefZ in
FinalZ = Htide+CoefZ*computedZ
Habitats : document and label the bottom types that have been mapped
Want to know more? go to 4SM advantages
4SM summary
4SM summary detailed
4SM summary further
4SM others
For a same-day service,
ergonomy and operationality are the order of the day
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