4SM and ENVI

2 commentaires

How about implementing 4SM into ENVI?

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  • Yann MOREL dit :
    08/10/2013 à 12h 12min

    Bonjour Antoine, I have no plan yet. Just I figure that's the way to go: use IDL and connect with the ENVI community. 1 - First I need "a lot of guys from the RS optical community" to state their views. 2 - Then hopefully, I can attract interest from a group of sponsors who is willing to step forward with propper $$$ and technical support. 3 - Then of course, it shall require a show of interest on the part of EXELIS. 4 - Last, all that should happen before I start shaking and become oblivious of things: time is running.

  • Antoine Collin dit :
    30/9/2013 à 12h 12min

    Dear Yann, When will you implement the 4SM into ENVI? Will you directly collaborate with Exelis? I am indeed quite interesting in these results as a lot of guys from the RS optical community. All the best, Antoine.

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